Wednesday 4 July 2007

Keith is going to get hit by a bus!

Seriously, I think I may get killed here in London. I have travelled extensively all of my life and I am certain I must be a veteran at European travel by now. That being said, I cannot for the life of me wrap my head around looking to the right first before crossing the bloody street. Or left once I get to the centre! It is so bizarre to do. They even have signs at the crosswalks painted on the pavement that say "Look Left" but that doesn't seem to matter. Now, knowing me, tomorrow I'll look right first when we get to Rome and get nearly killed there. Oh well, there are worse places to go than in London or Rome

We went to a Starbucks last night as we got pretty cold and needed something warm. Needless to say, it ran us about $16 CDN for two grande one pump vanilla tazo chai lattes! Its a funny thing. England (and London in particular) have gotten mighty expensive in the last ten years and the numerical value of things is about 2/3 of what they are in Canada. But the £ costs 2.10 Canadian so everything is about 1/3 or more than it is in Canada. We saw a hotdog vendor selling $10 hotdogs yesterday. Forget that. Needless to say though, pub grub is the best value for the money. Tonight we went to the original Duke of Wellington pub near our hotel in Victoria and I had a wonderful meal of lamb, potatoes, carrots, and peas with a pint of amazing Dutch beer brewed exclusively in the UK (?) for less than it would cost in Canada. But what's great about London is many of the national attractions are all free so entertainment doesn't have to cost you a lot of money all the time.

For my niece Emily, we went to King's Cross Station today and took pictures of ourselves pushing a luggage cart through the wall at Platform 9 and 3/4 just like Harrt Potter must do each time he goes to Hogwarts by train in the fall. Pictures will come ... we hope! Off to pack for Rome.

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