Saturday 27 September 2008

Daniel Update

Daniel pondering a mystery of the universe, "Is that gas going up or down?"
Sleeping peacefully. Yay!
Above: With his Great Grandma Snelgrove.

Below: Our first night at home was tough and we were already seriously sleep deprived. Take a look at how my Mom found Keith was trying to put on his sleeper the next morning.

Daniel and his parents are adjusting to life at home. It's a steep learning curve, but it helps that he is usually such a happy little fellow. Keith has been going above and beyond the call of husbandly duty to help me recover from the past week, and I feel better each day. Thanks again to everyone who has emailed, called and made us meals. I wish I had known how to be so helpful to my friends who have already had their babies! I promise to do better now that I know better!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

may mother and son be healthy and strong :D