Saturday, 17 May 2014

Legofest: Everything Was Awesome

This morning we rose with the dawn and drove to Calgary for Legofest.  What a morning!  We were all a bit overwhelmed at first by the three acres of Lego filling the BMO Centre, but soon found something for everyone to enjoy.  Daniel and Keith built race cars to test out on the ramps and added a number of buildings to the Creation Nation display.  Sophie was enchanted by the full size Lego creations and the princess lego.  We all spent some time in the giant pile of bricks and checking out the many lego dioramas trying to solve the look & find style riddles.

 Where's Waldo?  Oops, I mean, where's my family?  You can really see how many people were there in this one, but we rarely felt crowded.  Each area had lots of places to build.

 Could Daniel look any more content?

 Daniel made a white hospital which is right beside the red and white church built by Keith.
 Keith went on to make a yellow and red Calgary tower (bottom right quadrant of picture below), and Daniel made a little white church to be beside it.

 The Lego gallery was impressive.  The pictures really don't do the works justice.  The tiger's mouth is actually open enough to stick a hand in and touch his tongue.

 Bucky the pirate ship in a sea of princess duplo.
 "Look!  Buzz Lightyear!"  Sophie's favourite find.  Daniel was delighted to discover Darth Vader labouring in the wild west coal mine.
I feel the need to add that I am not receiving any compensation from Lego for this glowing post, we just really enjoyed our day!

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