Saturday, 24 May 2014


Miss Sophie officially became a three-nager this week.  She's been practising for awhile.  A couple of weeks ago we celebrated with my parents, sister and nephew.  They surprised us with a weekend visit that Sophie has been asking for a repeat of ever since.  On Victoria Day, we enjoyed cake with cousins on Keith's side of the family (but I may have forgotten to take pictures), and on the day itself we celebrated with just the four of us.

Here are a few photos of Sophie from the last few month.  You might notice that she insists on wearing a dress every day, and sometimes more than one.  Thank goodness for an abundance of girly hand-me-downs!  Her princess inspired wardrobe doesn't stop her from running head first, full- speed into everything she does however.  On a good days we refer to her as strong-willed.  Sophie loves to sing, dance, jump and climb.  She adores her big brother and loves to either play pretend games with him or harass him mercilessly, depends on the hour.  Sophie looked forward to attending Kindermusik classes all winter and still sings along with the songs in the van.  Currently we have her in a weekly gymnastics class which she also really enjoys ("I do bunny hops!").  At home she doesn't miss an opportunity to jump on the trampoline or snuggle with Mom or Dad.

I present, Birthday Princess Sophie:
 It was only a matter of time before she began dressing up the cat.  Apparently it begins with accessories.
 "Look at my princess cupcakes!"  Princess Sophie assigned which princess cupcake went to each guest.
 While waiting to eat the real ones, Sophie was happy to decorate pretend cupcakes with Auntie Melissa.
 Grandpa and his favourite granddaughter:
 Grandpa & Grandma with their whole collection of grandkids:

Happy birthday to the little girl who makes every day an adventure!

Saturday, 17 May 2014

Legofest: Everything Was Awesome

This morning we rose with the dawn and drove to Calgary for Legofest.  What a morning!  We were all a bit overwhelmed at first by the three acres of Lego filling the BMO Centre, but soon found something for everyone to enjoy.  Daniel and Keith built race cars to test out on the ramps and added a number of buildings to the Creation Nation display.  Sophie was enchanted by the full size Lego creations and the princess lego.  We all spent some time in the giant pile of bricks and checking out the many lego dioramas trying to solve the look & find style riddles.

 Where's Waldo?  Oops, I mean, where's my family?  You can really see how many people were there in this one, but we rarely felt crowded.  Each area had lots of places to build.

 Could Daniel look any more content?

 Daniel made a white hospital which is right beside the red and white church built by Keith.
 Keith went on to make a yellow and red Calgary tower (bottom right quadrant of picture below), and Daniel made a little white church to be beside it.

 The Lego gallery was impressive.  The pictures really don't do the works justice.  The tiger's mouth is actually open enough to stick a hand in and touch his tongue.

 Bucky the pirate ship in a sea of princess duplo.
 "Look!  Buzz Lightyear!"  Sophie's favourite find.  Daniel was delighted to discover Darth Vader labouring in the wild west coal mine.
I feel the need to add that I am not receiving any compensation from Lego for this glowing post, we just really enjoyed our day!

Saturday, 10 May 2014

Back to Bermuda!

Hello again!  Remember us?  I used to update this blog before I lost my camera charger, started using my smartphone to take pictures instead, and hadn't figured out iCloud or Dropbox yet.  Still a little fuzzy on iCloud, but starting to get my pictures all in one place. 

We were very excited to spend this Easter break with our my cousin and his family in Bermuda.  We really enjoyed visiting with my cousin and his family, and the kids especially loved playing together.  Here are a few of our favourite family pics from the trip.

 Fort St. Catherine's:
 Mini-golfing at the Dockyards:
 On a replica of The Deliverance in St. George's: