Sunday, 20 May 2012

Happy 1st Birthday, Sophie!

What a difference a year makes! It is hard to wrap my head around all the growth that has happened from Sophie's birth to now. I feel like all I can do is just try to appreciates the moments as they happen and try to take some pictures to help me remember them later.
We had a pretty quiet day here for Sophie's first birthday. Last week we had a few friends & relatives over for cake and a visit, but today it was just our little family.
This afternoon we headed over to one of our beautiful city parks to play. Sophie loves the swings right now. After she had swung for quite awhile I pulled her out to go walking around other parts of the playground, but after a couple minutes she grabbed my hand and walked me right back to the swings. I guess she knows what she likes!
Daniel also loves the park & swinging, but his favourite is what we've been calling the "belly swing" since he likes to lay on his stomach & pretend he is flying.
Sophie has been working on cutting four top teeth this week (yes, all at once, isn't that delightful?) so I thought she might appreciate some ribs to gnaw on for supper. They seemed to be a hit!
Sophie also started walking about a week ago. She has been cruising around the furniture with one hand holding on for months, but last Sunday she finally decided to go "hands free" and has been picking up speed ever since. I have managed to get a few videos of it, but for some reason can't upload them to this site today.

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