Wow- December was a whirlwind of activity for us! We celebrated Sinterclaas (sp?) on December 5th. Daniel left out some water & and an apple for St. Nicholas' horse, and was so excited when they were gone the next morning and the stockings were filled with gifts & treats. Even Sophie seemed to know something fun was going on.
Here is a picture of Daniel in the cozy reading nook we created in his room. It has definitely helped curb his urge to spread books all over the place. Can't imagine where he picked up that bad habit from...
Every year Keith plays goalie for the staff vs. students hockey game. The staff always wins, and the students are always shocked about this. Daniel was thrilled to go watch him play for the first time, but very tired by the end.
We managed to get a Christmas card out this year, but did it ever take a lot of tries to get a self-timed family portrait that was usable. If you haven't gotten your card yet, please accept our apologies. I just found a couple that somehow missed getting mailed out before we left town- oops! Hopefully you all enjoyed a merry Christmas! We were up north with my family for about a week of constant eating and visiting, although running after little ones does make quality visiting a bit difficult. To those we didn't see, or only saw across the room, we wish you the all the best in 2012.
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