Our little boy turned two last week so in honour of the milestone, I thought I should give a little update. Daniel is just over 3 feet tall, and weighs just under 30 pounds. He can run, jump, climb, high five, give "knuckles", and enjoys doing an assisted somersault. He does have hair, but is rendered completely invisible by camera so you may choose not believe me.
His language has grown by leaps and bounds. I think last spring we actually counted how many words he knew, and now he's putting together sentences and telling us about everything he sees. Earlier this week I took him for a walk and we saw a big truck that was shooting gravel into a foundation. He's still talking about the "big truck rocks" on a regular basis so I guess it really impressed him. He is starting to tell us when he has gone to the bathroom ("Mom, big poop. Yucky gross") and pronounces himself "big all clean" just after a diaper change or bath. Yes, "big" is his favourite adjective so far, though "yucky gross" is also very popular.
Daniel loves to read books with Mom & Dad. Lately his favourites are "Hippos Go Berserk", "OhMYOhMyOh Dinosaurs", "Winnie the Pooh Tells Time", and the set of books Grandma S. gave him which feature different big machines. He is very impressed with clocks and can spot them further off than you can imagine. Same thing for buses, diggers, and trucks. Daniel loves seeing animals and can make most of the noises that go along with them. We often go for walks around the park near our house and he points out the birds and dogs especially. When we get to the playground he usually wants to swing first, then go around jumping off whatever can be jumped off of.
The cats are still doing great with him, though they aren't sure about being picked up which he has begun attempting lately. I think they might be too heavy for him yet. Maybe next year...;)
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