Sorry about the long absence. Between a computer crash, trips to Vermilion, and just plain out busy, blogging just hasn't been high on my to do list. I will try to do better- maybe a goal of at leats once a week to start. Anyway, here's what you've missed.
Sinterclaus (sp?) stockings- Daniel wasn't sure what to think of the bag of goodies, but her was sure excited about the book (Usborne's Touchy Feely Nativity).
Daniel was also a big fan of the Christmas tree. Every morning it was the first place he'd run and want to be lifted closer to look.
Playing with his buddy Nathan at a pre-Chrismtas meal with friends.
Daniel enjoys feeding himself with a spoon or fork and really does get most of the food in his mouth now.
Daniel and his Dad like watching the Little Einsteins together and doing the actions along with it.
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