Monday wasn't near so nice a day. It wasn't too cold, but the rain was torrential when it came down, which was often. We watched the big screen from here for awhile, but the area had to be cleared for safety reasons. The rain did let up long enough for the steer wrestling so Keith and I left Daniel with his Grandma and joined Dad & Melissa in our assigned outdoor seats.
Since Justin was a competitor, we had access to a special seating section right on the track, within spitting distance of the infield. They were great seats, but we didn't get to enjoy them for very long.
Here is a textbook dive-off-your-running-horse-onto-a-running-steer manouver executed by Justin. Unfortunately, his horse broke the barrier and he was given a ten second penalty on top of his 3.6 second time. A very expensive speeding ticket.
The rain started up again not long after the steer wrestling so it was back inside to watch it on the televisions.
Daniel had a good old nap during all of this, and wasn't bothered by the rain at all. After he woke up, we waited for another break in the rain to make a run for the other end of the Stampede grounds where we checked out the trade show and then headed for home. And somewhere in there we managed to try out the deep-fried oreos. How could we not?
That's all for now folks. :)
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