Sunday, 1 July 2007

So, I Did Something That Will Make My Mother Worry

As the title says, I may have done something that will make my Mother worry incessantly until we return to Canada.

But first, I have to say that after being up without a wink of sleep for 30 hours now, I'm really not doing so badly. It was an interesting day to say the least.

My adventures began with being in the longest passport line in history, befriending some fellow Canadians heading to Africa on a choir trip, and then having the choir almost steal my luggage. Seriously! The daft, cheeky, buggers had taken my suitcase off of the carousel by the time I got to it and had loaded on the side along the wall with theirs! As I said, DAFT!

St. Paul's Cathedral for church has to rate as one of my best church experiences ever. The London Sinfonia Brass Ensemble, the Cathedral Singers (men and boys, no women voices), that huge pipe organ, and a full church singing was, to say the least, a religious experience beyond compare. Unreal.

But then this business about my mother worrying. Jenn and I decided to go to Speakers' Corner in the northeast corner of Hyde Park around 3.30 in the afternoon. Speakers' Corner began in the late 1960's as a place where people of various political and idealogical beliefs systems could come on Sunday afternoons to rant, rave, and argue. I'd heard it wasn't anymore like it used to be. Well, let me tell you, it was. There must have been close to five hundred people there listening to individuals on soap boxes (or ladders) rant, rave, and argue. I became interested in on in particular in which a Muslim was trying to show all the ills of Christianity with a couple of Christian guys outmanned trying to argue back. They got him stuck a bunch of times but the guy was amazing at deflecting any questions he couldn't answer or got stuck on. Somehow, suddenly I was at the front ring of the circle (probably about 60 people) and was debating theology with this guy and, if I do say so myself, holding my own. And so, I have to say, when my mother catches wind of this, she will be frantic until we come home. Once again, I had to go open my mouth, this time in Hyde Park with a whole group of Muslims. What can I say? Do what comes naturally!

Dinner was at the Elusive Camel pub around the corner. I was all about the chips! (Fries guys, fries) Okay and the ale! Anyway, must sleep. Jenn has planned tomorrow as British Museum day. Must be awake for that! Pictures will come, we promise!


Keith said...

Sorry for the spelling mistakes. After all, I haven't slept in 30 hours!

Scott Van't Land said...

Looks as though you guys hit the ground running. It doesn't surprise me that upon seeing such a debate, that you would have trouble sitting back and observing. I just wish that if I were to stumble upon such a thing, I would have half the ammunition that you bring to the fight Keith!

I am enjoying the idea of this blog, and will be tracking you closely. I also look forward to seeing some pictures when you get a chance.

Happy travels, and watch your luggage.

Unknown said...

right on- nice work out there - sooner or later the truth will be absolutely clear - in other news, I moved the sign you have downstairs, the $2 Bed and Breakfast sign, and I put it outside beside the door. It's amazing the response I've had so far. A pretty fair return on my initial investment, I'd say.

Jennifer said...

Very funny Norm. We're expecting a cut!