But for those of you who haven't been over for tea lately, here is what we've been up to.
Grandma & Grandpa Snelgrove stopped in on their way to and from warmer places.
Daniel has been really into building things. The box is his robot costume.
We endured weekly snowstorms for most of the past month or two. The good news: when it wasn't snowing, it was usually pretty nice out. We have gotten a lot of use out of our rubber boots as all the snow often melted away before the next storm came around. Those pics (and many others) are on my phone. Need to get around to downloading those someday...
Sophie is growing fast. She is saying new words every day and mostly succeeding at keeping up with her big brother. In this picture I think she is trying to convince her Daddy to play the ABC song for her again because it is her very favourite right now.
And as of last weekend, Keith is officially another year older. The shortcake wouldn't support the full amount of candles so I just went with the ones' digits.
And that's it in a nutshell! You're welcome, Myrna. ;)