Thursday, 22 March 2012

Sophie vs. Eeyore, Month 10

There- all caught up! Can you tell the kids went to bed early tonight? We're loving the return of more outside time as the weather warms up & I especially enjoy how extra easy bedtime gets after a good dose of fresh air.

Sophie is such a busy 10 month old. She is constantly moving around the house. She cruises around wherever she can hold onto something like a couch or ottoman, and crawls everywhere else. Learning to walk does have its pitfalls though & she took a pretty bad lump to the forehead just this afternoon as she lost her grip on the kid's table. Thankfully she recovers pretty quickly and moves onto the next adventure.

Sophie is a big fan of eating solids now too. Even though she's a bit of an underachiever in the tooth department with only her two middle bottom ones, she wants to try everything we have on the table. Her current favourites are cucumbers, carrot sticks, blueberries, toast, pancakes & anything with apple sauce. She also gobbles up meat & veggie stews I cook up for her and likes snacking on cheerios & Mum-mums. If we aren't quite fast enough with her food or there is something on the table she wants, she starts to make a sound like a Canada Goose that sets us all laughing at her.

Other than her "goose" call, Sophie is making lots of babbling sounds, including da-da, ba-ba, and va-va. Sometimes it seems like she is trying to tell us something & but we haven't been able to make much sense of her yet. I'm convinced some form of "Daniel" will be her first word because she absolutely adores her big brother and wants to play along with whatever he is doing. Daniel enjoys trying to teach her things and repeating stories about what he was like when he was her age. It will be interesting to hear their conversations once she is able to have a say as well.

Uncle Stephen high in the polls, again

Uncle Stephen came through town again & charmed the children. He definitely has the uncle magic. What are the odds that we could lure him closer now that he is on the market for a new job? I'm sure they need engineers for something around here.


One of my goal's for the new year was to somehow get more exercise (other than the weight training provided by carrying Sophie). Putting a treadmill in our basement was definitely a good decision. One day I had to stop and grab my camera though, because my kids are so darn cute when they "exercise" along with mom.

Sophie vs. Eeyore, Month 9

Well, only three months into the new year and I am already falling behind. The good news is, I have been taking pictures. Finding time to upload them, well that is another story. I guess it's just one more reason I should upgrade to an iPhone someday. Are you reading, husband? ;)

Our Sophie vs. Eeyore comparison has really morphed into more of a Sophie versus Daniel thing. He is so eager to be in the pictures with her and she loves having him close, so why not? Daniel is also very helpful in keeping her somewhat stationary. The bottom one is definitely my favourite!