Sophie is getting heavier very week, and a bit longer too though it maybe isn't obvious in the pictures. The top photo is Sophie at 4 weeks and the bottom ones are Sophie at three weeks of age. We aren't sure how old Eeyore is exactly.
Daniel loves to sing. I managed to capture him singing "Peas Porridge" with piano accompaniment before he noticed me. The second video is after he found out I was videoing him.
The lyrics: "Peas porridge hot, peas porridge cold, Peas porridge in the pot nine days old. Some like it hot, some like it cold, Some like it in a pot nine days old."
Daniel is finally okay with being called a big brother. For awhile there he was getting upset about the title itself, insisting that he was "Daniel" or "Danny Boy" but certainly not "big brother". In addition to that, he was unsure about how a new baby was going to impact his life. One of his most pressing concerns was whether he might have to share his diggers with the new addition. A couple weeks into his new job, Daniel is adjusting mostly well. He is excited to tell people we see his sister's name and usually likes to help when he can. Sharing Mom & Dad has been more difficult but we're getting there.
Daniel may be shy about sharing his toys, but he has no shame about playing with Sophie's.
The big brother has discovered that when Mommy feeds Sophie he needs to amuse himself somewhat. Here he has taken down many of my cookbooks and looked through at the pictures to see what is "nummy".
One of my brothers came for a visit the first weekend we had Sophie home. Daniel is pretty sure Uncle Stephen came to see him in particular. A few days after Stephen left Daniel looked at me over breakfast and said, "I miss Uncle Stephen. I love flipping with him." Before you watch the video you should know that no one was injured, although I'm betting Stephen might have been a bit sore after.
In addition to being a human jungle gym, Steve helped Daniel put together the new BBQ and mini-trampoline. Thanks!