Monday, 11 October 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

We have Keith's parents visiting this Thanksgiving weekend & Daniel is very thankful for that indeed. He opened his birthday present from them on Thursday, and has been getting Grandpa & Grandma to play trains with him ever since.

Grandpa + Train set = Lots of fun!

Daniel has also been enjoying stealing Grandma's fuzzy slippers. Usually he sticks to one pair of shoes at a time, but he was quite impressed with himself for managing to get his slippered feet into Grandpa's shoes. He's also gotten into saying cheese when I point a camera in his direction.

Corn Maze Fun

Daniel & I met up with friends at the Corn Maze just over a week ago. The weather here has been fantastic lately and we thought we should have as much outdoor fun as we can before the snow flies.

The corn looks especially tall compared to a two year old. We stuck to the kid maze which was basically a path cut through the corn with no way to get lost.