Friday, 26 June 2009

Please forgive my lack of brain.

I'm sorry. I usually send out thank you cards right away. I really thought I had kept on top of them all, but I just found a stack of cards from baby gifts we received in December and January. In the post Christmas rush it seems they were put away before they could be properly dealt with. So, if you gave us something, we were/are thankful and you will be getting an individual card shortly. With a picture of Daniel so cute you will forget how long it took for it to get to you. I hope.

Wednesday, 24 June 2009

New rain coat

On the day Daniel turned 9 months old, our High Level Bridge celebrated 100 years. We had hoped to go to the Bridge Birthday Party (yes, there was one, with cupcakes!) and take a picture of Daniel & the bridge. Alas, it poured rain all day, and while we didn't mind getting wet, Daniel had just recovered from an ear infection & the camera is not even a little bit waterproof. So what you're getting instead are some really cute pictures of Daniel in his rain coat, just before we headed out to go to our mums & babies coffee group.

9 months!

The Dumbo comparison is getting a little tricky. To get Daniel to stay in one spot for the photo I had to let him play his piano, resulting in a boy who was far more interested in playing than posing. Imagine that.

Big shoes to fill

Just when I think that Daniel is positively enormous, seeing him beside something like a pair of Keith's shoes reminds me of just how much more growing he has yet to do. Happy father's day!

Tuesday, 16 June 2009


I'm not sure if Daniel's learning to stand and subsequent falling down is more traumatic for me or him. At least he won't remember it!

Sources of discontent

Finally- a picture of the elusive teeth which caused all kinds of trouble as they came in!

Monday, 8 June 2009

Cool dude

Somedays these sunglasses stay over his eyes, somedays they become a chew toy.

8 months old

I know it's been awhile, but we haven't just been sitting around. Since the last post we've painted the living room, listed the house & sold it. And Daniel turned 8 months old somewhere in the middle of all that.