Daniel turned a week old yesterday. He went for his first doctor's appointment and then his first "walk" to the park. He is now only two ounces shy of his birth weight, right on average, and above average for his length (not sure how that happened).
Daniel pondering a mystery of the universe, "Is that gas going up or down?" Sleeping peacefully. Yay! Above: With his Great Grandma Snelgrove.
Below: Our first night at home was tough and we were already seriously sleep deprived. Take a look at how my Mom found Keith was trying to put on his sleeper the next morning. Daniel and his parents are adjusting to life at home. It's a steep learning curve, but it helps that he is usually such a happy little fellow. Keith has been going above and beyond the call of husbandly duty to help me recover from the past week, and I feel better each day. Thanks again to everyone who has emailed, called and made us meals. I wish I had known how to be so helpful to my friends who have already had their babies! I promise to do better now that I know better!
Pictured: Keith gives Daniel his first feed. Proud grandparents Barb and Rob Snelgrove. Mom and baby on Tuesday when Jenn was feeling better. A sleeping angel ... for now? Bottom: the tiny birth announcement placed by the hospital in his bassinet.
Its been a crazy last 48 hours. After beginning an induction on Sunday morning at 7.30 and a hard natural labor most of Monday, Daniel Robert Griffioen was finally born through a C-section at 2.21 pm. He was 7 pounds, 13 ounces, 21 inches long, and he is a beautiful baby boy! More to come later, but here are some early pictures that my mother-in-law Barb Snelgrove took at the hospital. Jenn is doing very well but will be there until at least Thurday recovering.